Combined Ptosis and Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
Combined Ptosis and Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
Eyelid surgery- IN SPECIAL CLASS
Whether you want a new and more beautiful look or that your field of vision should be less obstructed by your heavy eyelids – then we can help you.
At eyelid expert and ophthalmologist, Jakob Bennike, we perform cosmetic and functional eyelid surgeries in a class of their own. The following is possible:
Upper Lid Belpharoplasty
Upper Lid Belpharoplasty
Upper Lid Belpharoplasty
Upper Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Upper eye Lid Ptosis
Combined eye Lid Ptosis & Belpharoplasty
Upper eye Lid Belpharoplasty
Upper and Lower eyelid Blepharoplasty
Upper lid Blepharoplasty and brow suspension
Upper Lid Blepharoplasty-brow-suspension
Upper eye Lid Belpfaroplasty
Ptosis repair
Lower right lid entropion
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower Lid Belpharoplasty
Lower left eyelid Ectropion
Our clinic is built on the solid foundation brought to us by the expertise and experience of Dr. Safwan Al Bayati who has been a practicing eye specialist since the year 1998 and has a world of experience in eye care.
One to one patient journey with assigned consultant
Technology and equipment hand picked by surgeons
Proven track record and accredited Lasik specialist
All inclusive full investigation, Consultation and follow up
World-renowned experts in eye surgery.
Specializes in LASIK, Cataract Extraction and Retinal Diseases Treatments by the latest technology.
Specialist Ophthalmologist
Lasik Surgeon
Oculoplastic Surgeon